Root Content Folder

What is Root Content Folder

Root Content Folders are top level folders added to UAsset Browser.

Click here for more information on how to add/remove Root Content Folder.

Root Content Folder Types

There’re 4 types of folder you can add as root content folder.

  1. Project Content Folder

Project Content Folder is the Content folder of an unreal project.

e.g. The Content folder of ActionRPG425 project.

  1. Partial Project Folder

Partial Project Content Folder is the solo Content folder of an unreal project or plugin without full project or plugin directory structure.

  1. VaultCache Content Folder

VaultCache Content Folder is the Content folder inside Unreal Engien Vault Cache Item’s data folder.

e.g. The Content folder of Megascans_NorForest3 downloaded from Unreal Engine Launcher.

  1. Plugin Content Folder

Plugin Content Folder is the Content folder of a plugin.

  1. Library Folder

A Library Folder is the folder with multiple unreal projects or valut cache items stored inside.

e.g. The VaultCache folder of Unreal Engine Launcher.

  1. Orphan Folder

An Orphan Folder is a folder not belong to any unreal project or vault cache data folder, usually it has .uasset files inside.

e.g. The Weapon folder extracted from a zip file.

Validate/Import from Orphan Folder is supported since 1.2.5.
Validate/Import from Partial Project Folder is supported since 1.2.4.
Only uasset files inside Project or Vaultcache Content folder can be validated and imported.
The uasset files inside Orphan Folder can only be viewed.