Asset View


Select a folder in Folder Tree to display assets inside the folder.

Use Ctrl + Mouse Wheel or Thumbnail Scale Slider to change the scale of the asset thumbnails.

Mouse hover the asset thumbnail to view asset meta datas.


View Type

  • Tiles
    Switch to tile view.

  • List
    Switch to list view.

  • Columns
    Switch to columns view.


  • Show Engine Version Overlay
    Display the engine version of the asset as thumbnail overlay.

  • Show Validation Status Overlay
    Display asset’s validation result as thumbnail overlay.

  • Show Invalid Assets
    Wheter to show invalid assets in the asset view.

  • Show Folders
    Uncheck the option to hide folders inside current selected folder, instead display all assets (include those in chidren folders).

    Uncheck Show Empty Folders to hide folders has no uasset files inside.

  • Ignore Folders Start With Dot
    All folders start with “.” will be ignored in folder scan process, e.g. ".git", ".vs"

  • Ignore Common Non-Content Folders
    Ignore typical non-content folders in a project. Follwing folders are treated as non-content folders:

    - Binaries
    - Config
    - DerivedDataCache
    - Intermediate
    - Resources
    - Saved
    - Source
  • More Ignore Folders
    With this option check, custom ignore folders can be added in the input box below. e.g. “MyFolderToIgnore1, MyFolderToIgnore2”

  • Show Tooltip
    Unkcheck the option to disable asset tooltip when mouse hover asset thumbnail.


Columns options will be showed after switched to columns view.

  • Show Asset Type Columns
    Display more columns for major asset type in the asset view.

  • Toggle Columns
    You can toggle which columns will be displayed.

  • Reset Columns
    Reset displayed columns to default.


  • UAsset Browser 1.x.x
    Click the text to show changelog.
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