Folder Tree

Add Root Content Folder

To add a root content folder to folder tree:

  1. Click Add button

  2. Select a folder from file system

  1. The folder you selected will be added to the folder tree

UAsset Browser will try it’s best to select the appropriate display name for the added root content folder.

Remove Root Content Folder

To remove a root content folder from folder tree, you simply select the root content folder, then click Remove button.

The Remove button is disabled if no root content folder been selected.

Remoe a root content folder will not delete the folder from the OS, but only remove it from the folder tree.

Folder Scanning

When a root folder is added to the folder tree, all it’s children folders will be scanned to build folder hiererchy tree.
if there’s tons of children folders, a spinning icon will be showed withe the current processing child folder.

The folder scanning is an async operation, you can expand the scanning root content folder and start browsing processed children folders right away.

You can also select the scanning root content folder and Remote it from the folder tree.

Folder Options

You can assess folder options by right click in the folder tree panel:

  • Clear Folder Selection
    De-select any selected folders

  • Show in Explorer
    Show selected folder in the file system

  • Validate Assets
    Validate all uasset files in the current selected folder

  • Refresh Assets
    Rescan uasset files in the current selected folder

  • Import Assets
    Import all uasset files in the current selected folder

Right click on a root content folder to display Root Folder Options:

  • Reload
    Re-scan all children folders of the selected root content folder. It’s a shortcut for remote the root content folder and add again.

  • Remove
    Remove a root content folder from folder tree, tt’s the same as clicking Remove button

When right click on folder tree panel without any folder been selected:

  • Add Content Folder
    Add a root content folder, it’s the same as clicking Add button.

Folder List

The root content folers list is saved per project. You can save the list as a text file to load in another project.

  • Save
    Save the root content folders in the folder tree to a text file.

  • Load & Merge
    Load previous saved folder list file into current folder tree, the current root content folders will be merged with loaded list.

  • Load & Replace
    Load previous saved folder list file into current folder tree, the current root content folders will be removed from folder tree first.

Search Folder

Use the search box to filter folders with inputed search text.

Toggle Tree Panel

Click the tree toggle button to hide the folder tree panel:

Click the tree toggle button agiain to show the folder tree panel: