
Validation Status Overlay

Make sure Show Validation Status Overlay option is on in Asset View’s View Options.
A small icon will be displayed as overlay on asset thumbnail to indiate asset’s validation status.

There’re 4 validation status:

Unknown The asset has not been validated. The status is unknown.

Valid The asset has been validated and considered valid. A valid asset can be imported into current project.

Invalid The asset has been validated and considered invalid. An invalid asset can not be imported into current project.
Usually it happens when the asset has missing or invalid dependencies.

Issue The asset has been validated but has some issues. An issue asset can still be imported but might not work properly.
Usually an asset will be considered has issues when it has missing or invalid soft refrences.

Vlidate Selected Assets

To validate selected assets, select them first in Asset View, then click Validate button on the toolbar.

Vlidate Assets in Folder

Or you can validate all assets in a folder, but right click on the folder in folder tree, select Validate Assets in the context menu.

Auto Vlidate

Asset will be auto validated before import.

Another trick to auto validate selected asset is keep Dependency Viewer opened. Since Depenedency Viewer relys on asset’s validation result, any selected asset will be auto validated.

Validation Result Dialog

If there’s any issues found in validate prosess, the validation result dialog will be pop up.